Korean people say,gKorean ‚—‚‚‚…‚Ž were taken away to brothels by Japanese people. 
There is the evidence. (1)h http://park6.wakwak.com/~photo/image/ianfu01.jpg 
But itfs not true because they are mere advertisements saying gWanted comfort women. 
Salary of 300yen a month, and you can borrow 3000yen.h 
By the way let's think about the value of yen in 1944. 
A policemanfs salary was around 45 yen a month then. 
A policemanfs salary is around 200,000 yen a month today. 
In short the rate of price increase is 4444times. 
Itfs amazing! A comfort womanfs salary was 1330,000yen in current value. 
And she was allowed to borrow 13,300,000yen. 
Assuming 1yen=10won now , gSalary of 13,300,000won! You can borrow 133,000,000won!h 
Whoever read this can imagine that they wanted to be hookers. 
Can anyone express this like those girls were gTAKEN AWAYh ? 
(1) Reference gKorean Government HPh
http://www.hermuseum.go.kr/eng/exp/Experience01_2.asp (It has already been deleted) 